Photo: Jennifer Esperanza
Sacred Sorrowing
Animal Companion Loss
Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground —Oscar Wilde
There is no love in the world quite like the love we share with our companion animals. These relationships are deep and real and filled with a special kind of love that feed our hearts with joy.
When our animal companions die, our hearts break into a million little pieces, leaving us riding a roller coaster of feelings. Grieving for our loved ones is completely natural and it’s vitally important to honor everything that arises during this time—sadness, shock, overwhelm, exhaustion, anger, guilt. All of it.
as we enter into the holy realm of sorrowing, it’s good to know…
GRIEVING IS SOUL MEDICINE and your grief matters.
Grieving well allows us to follow the natural river of our sorrows where our tears compost the ashes and memories that have been left behind.
It is from this place that we seed new growth in our hearts and in our lives.
Introducing Debra Rosenman’s multi-Award-Winning Book
The Chimpanzee Chronicles: Stories of Heartbreak and Hope from Behind the Bars
“Debra Rosenman has gathered up real life stories that will, collectively, sadden, anger, and inspire all who read them….Thank goodness for the dedicated, passionate, and often very courageous people whose work is recognized in this important book, one that will, I am sure, inspire all who read it to do their bit to improve the lives of the animals with whom we share, or should share, our planet. On behalf of the chimpanzees whose lives they changed, I thank and honor them.”
—Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a United Nations Messenger of Peace